
美工招聘 Chinese Anti-Doping Agency demands media "respect the facts"

美工招聘 Chinese Anti-Doping Agency demands media "respect the facts"

BEIJING美工招聘, July 12 (Xinhua) -- The Chinese Anti-Doping Agency (CHINADA) has demanded certain media outlets start to "respect the facts" after an independent prosecutor found the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) was not "biased" in the handling of a contamination case involving 23 Chinese swimmers.

WADA held an online extraordinary executive meeting on Tuesday in Montreal discussing the interim report delivered by Eric Cottier, regarding his review of WADA's handling of CHINADA's decision not to punish 23 Chinese swimmers who tested positive for the heart medication trimetazidine (TMZ) at a training camp seven months before the delayed Tokyo Olympics in 2021.

CHINADA determined that the athletes had unintentionally ingested the substance, and WADA  did not subsequently appeal CHINADA's decision, leading to criticism from athletes and the United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA)美工招聘, who suggested a cover-up had taken place.

"This demonstrates that CHINADA's investigation findings and decisions on this case are reasonable, and there is no so-called 'cover up' story as unfoundedly alleged and deliberately created by USADA and certain media outlets including the New York Times and the German broadcaster ARD," said CHINADA in a statement on Friday. "The independent prosecutor report also proves that the existing global anti-doping system is open, transparent and trustworthy to athletes around the globe."


CHINADA continued to pointed out that since the handling of the case has been proved to be objective and fair, "USADA and certain media led by the New York Times and ARD" should "respect the facts, face the truth, stop creating stories out of the air to confuse right and wrong and incite the public."

The statement also called on media to "stop politicizing anti doping and undermining athletes' confidence and trust in the global anti-doping governance system," while reiterating China's willingness to contribute to global anti-doping work.

"We hereby reiterate that CHINADA, as always, will work for the rights and interests of athletes and the integrity in sport with independence, impartiality, professionalism and openness," CHINADA said. 

"We hope to work together with all stakeholders for the stability美工招聘, unity and improvement of the global anti-doping system."  ■


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